Welcome to the Power and Social Inequality website! Our website is offered free of charge for instructors and students interested in social power. It was funded by a Teaching and Research Innovation Grant from the Bennett Fund to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Connecticut. The site includes orientations to readings, reading lists, class exercises, discussion materials, exam materials, and students’ presentations. We hope that other educators can use the materials to develop their own courses or to incorporate modules into their courses. We developed the materials for a seminar in the social psychology of power and a laboratory course in social psychology of power. Research on social power is now voluminous and the offerings here are not exhaustive, but they do encompass a breadth of real power issues, especially as they pertain to inequality.
Contributors to the organization and content include Felicia Pratto, Megan Iacocca, Joel Devonshire, Atilla Cidam, and Aerielle M. Allen.